James Allen Proctor: The Gratitude Journal

The Gratitude Journal

Author: James Allen Proctor
Number of Pages: 112 pages
Published Date: 09 Nov 2014
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication Country: United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9781503153325
Download Link: Click Here

Writing in this book just a few minutes a day will augment your well-being and strengthen your spirit. Filled with short inspirational quotes, this simple journal offers a framework for practicing the power of gratitude each day while keeping a record of your blessings for future inspiration. A recent study on gratitude by Psychologist Robert Emmons found the following benefits of a daily practice of gratitude: 1. Greater happiness. People who kept a gratitude journal were 25% happier than those who just kept a journal of routine daily events. 2. Better sleep. People who kept a gratitude journal slept 12% longer and woke up 15% more refreshed than those that didn't. 3. Physical. Those who keep a Gratitude journal exercised 30% more than their non-journaling counterparts. 4. No side effects. Optimism, gratitude and other self-development practices are being studied to determine their ability to short- circuit depression and reduce blood pressure. This book is designed to help you get all those benefits as you develop a more in-depth relationship with gratitude and to create positive feelings in your daily life. Set good things in motion and get a copy of "The Gratitude Journal" for yourself right now.